Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Love Unceasingly

A Christmas play draft outline that I wrote in year 2004 based on that year's Christmas play entitled "A Fall Out Christmas" written by the JIC Youth members. The settings and the story overtone are lifted from there and incorporated to this draft that I have reworked. I've concentrated on creating key persons with sufficient character development and added just enough human emotion interactions to the story. This draft didn't make it to the dialogue stages due to the time constraints. It's been shelfed for many years...just wondering if this story would ever be a good story. I guess would never know. Hope you enjoy the story. Cheers


Scene 1

Time : The weekend before Christmas
Place : Living Room

A mother wrapping a christmas gift and writing a small christmas card. The christmas gift is for a daughter, waiting for her at home. The mother slowly placing the gift in her handbag.


Scene 2

Time : 2 days before Christmas
Place : A Main Public Street

Disaster happened...people walking around aimlessly and dazed. People were mourning and crying. The people are covered with dust and debris. Parents in tears looking for their children.People are at lost and confused, some are hurt and bleeding. Some are limping, some are carried around, people on the ground shouting for help.


Scene 3

Time : 1 Year Later...one day before Christmas...as the world in a dire straits from the disaster.
Place : A makeshift kids' playground at a dumpster

A little girl alone playing by herself. Other kids were teasing her and making fun of her.But the little girl doesn't seem to be bother by it. Her father came and quickly shooed the other kids away, he quickly carried her daughter away.


Scene 4

Time : Couple of hours later
Place : A shelter for the father and the litle girl.

Father talking to the little girl. Asking her, why she let those kids making fun of her.Little girl said she doesn't mind, the other kid don't mean what they said. She remembers mommy always telling her to be patient and forgiving. She said she misses mummy very much, her father motioned the same feelings. She started humming a "song" that her mommy used sang to her, whenever she was sad. The father quickly suggested that the little girl must hungry by now. He will go out and try to salvage some food for both of them.


Scene 5

Time : Later that night
Place : Behind some alley ways

The father was looking through some dumpster, hoping for some food or things to exchange for food. He bumped into some people, they recognized him. They all started mocking him, saying that he used to be a preacher. Preaching about Christ, Hope and GOD, but look at him how...a beggar. Asking him, where is his GOD now? What has his God done for the people? Lies and deceptions, all are mere words of men. The group gather around him, saying that he once knows all the answers. Demanding he for an explanation of what has been happened to the world. He quickly pushed them aside and started running away from them.


Scene 6

Time : Moments Later
Place : Further down at another alley way

The father was running and stumbling along the way. Confused and scared...but at the same time angry with himself...and with GOD. He finally coming to a halt from running, resting on a pile of garbage. As he was trying to calm himself down, he saw sometime familiar in the garbage. A handband, somewhat like the one that his wife used to have. He opened it and to his disbelief to find his wife's belongings in it. He found a wrapped gift with a card and his daughter's name on it. He quickly pick himself up and rush back to the shelter.


Scene 7

Time : Minutes Later (Christmas Morning)
Place : Back at the shelter

The father found the daughter and quickly gave her the christmas present. Asking her to opening it, She opened the card. It was a card from a mommy, with message for her dearest daughter. Talking about Christmas, God and baby Jesus... about hope, life and love. How much mommy and daddy loves her and committed her to the Lord. Praying that her little girl will always be safe and loved. Tears were rolling down their faces, as they opened the gift. A bible and a bookmark, indicating at a these verses...

"1 Corinthians 13:13
And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love..."

---- The End ----

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